About Me

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Sex Kitten is the CEO of Sinister Media Corp, which she runs 4 smaller companies. She is considered a jack-of-all-traders and a very headstrong woman, who pushes the envelopes in both the film and music industry. She received her degree in Audio Recording Specialist and Filming from Hennepin Technical College. Sex Kitten has studied under her mentor Rik Stirling. She has filmed documentaries,short independent movies,adult entertainment, commercials, and music videos for local Midwest musicians. Sex Kitten has produced 6 albums and 6 music videos and co-produced a mini-series for PBS plus a voice-over for the cartoon X-Men. She has been writing for over 10 years of experience and currently working on several novels. A few novels is on Romance Paranormal Series, Erotic Fantasies Series and the other is a biography on a Real Sociopath. She has 2nd degree in law. She currently has 4 children and 3 dogs, Cairo, Layla & Speedy. Sex Kitten is interested in promoting awareness to teenagers the importance of teen pregnancy, sexual abuse on minors and domestic violence. These topics she holds dear to her heart. She is currently raising her teens and she loves it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Loveless: Japanese Anime

I happen to come across this new series called Loveless. Okay! I know its not that new but I was intrigued about the relationship between Soubi and Loveless after his brother Beloved dies. I was a little shock about the sexual contents of it but I was definitely hooked and now I need to find out where to get this series from. Can someone let me  know? I really need to see it. I have to check the local Library or on the internet. I checked Lime wire but no luck on that thing. Whatever! I got hooked on that crazy shit and now i can’t get it out of my head.

My Quite Day Alone!!

I am always sitting on the second floor of the Library. I won’t tell which one because there is about 25 places in Hennepin County alone. Since I find this place as my quite haven. I can actually concentrate or daydream about anything I want without disturbance. I have been approach by people all the time and guys trying to hit on me but here I can relax and actually write. I look out the window all the time here and see the hustle and bustle of a growing city outside. I write about being in love and out of love. I write about everything that comes to mind.

I am finishing up my novel and just started to write the second novel. I have been busy with a lot of time on my hand right now. I do my best to update my blog now and my other social networks but I haven’t been keeping up with the stars much lately. I will leave that up to Perez Hilton. He can do all that gossip for you. I have to find away to connect to his website so you guys can read it if you like. I just been watching TV and writing a lot lately, more than usual. I have tons of work to still do. I already am shopping my book or I am going through my own publishing company. It depends what kind of market I want this book to be advertised on.

Books By Sex Kitten Date of Release
New Beginnings: Book 1 TBA
New Love: Book 2 TBA
True Life of a Sociopath TBD
New Awakening: Book 3 TBD

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