About Me

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Sex Kitten is the CEO of Sinister Media Corp, which she runs 4 smaller companies. She is considered a jack-of-all-traders and a very headstrong woman, who pushes the envelopes in both the film and music industry. She received her degree in Audio Recording Specialist and Filming from Hennepin Technical College. Sex Kitten has studied under her mentor Rik Stirling. She has filmed documentaries,short independent movies,adult entertainment, commercials, and music videos for local Midwest musicians. Sex Kitten has produced 6 albums and 6 music videos and co-produced a mini-series for PBS plus a voice-over for the cartoon X-Men. She has been writing for over 10 years of experience and currently working on several novels. A few novels is on Romance Paranormal Series, Erotic Fantasies Series and the other is a biography on a Real Sociopath. She has 2nd degree in law. She currently has 4 children and 3 dogs, Cairo, Layla & Speedy. Sex Kitten is interested in promoting awareness to teenagers the importance of teen pregnancy, sexual abuse on minors and domestic violence. These topics she holds dear to her heart. She is currently raising her teens and she loves it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sinister Media Production Company

Some days, we have those days where ideas come out of nowhere and from everywhere. What does that even mean? It’s just means that sometimes we are all over the place. We have so many ideas, so many projects, so many different interests and skills… yet we find a way to put it all together to come up with a masterpiece that we divide and conquer to bring you the best in production.

If you ever sit in a meeting with us, you will immediately see the passion with which we invent, and how we can apply that to your project.

And, of course, we have scripts, video treatments, advertising strategies, media methodologies and film ideas about which we want to make happen for you. We want to share. We want to build. We are the type of crew who goes the distance together but, want to leave a boot print on the world. Wow, that sounded stupid. Sometimes we just say things that may not make sense to you, but usually they’re good when we make magic happen.

We also work with some excellent people and partners. Whatever you need, we’ve got you covered.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Summer Burns Trailer 1

I am so excited to work with these upcoming actors, which we will see so much of them. The screenplay was co-written by 17 year old Lil Korea and myself of course. This project was started last summer 2009 and we are finally finishing up post-production and everything in between. It’s a movie about being teens in a world of drugs, sex and violence. It’s from the point of view of teenagers, how they view the world around them and how teenagers from different cultures all relate to each other no matter the cultural background to survive.

Upcoming 2011 Movie called Summer Burns Directed by Sex Kitten

Here are the Bloopers for the Movie:

I really enjoyed working with the teenagers and had a ball doing it. It was low budget than again Spike Lee did his first movie for $1,000 or less. It was a project we all wanted to do and collaborate together. So enjoy and look out for the movie. Let me know what you think and please be nice to the teens. I don’t care if you insult me I just brush it off.

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