About Me

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Sex Kitten is the CEO of Sinister Media Corp, which she runs 4 smaller companies. She is considered a jack-of-all-traders and a very headstrong woman, who pushes the envelopes in both the film and music industry. She received her degree in Audio Recording Specialist and Filming from Hennepin Technical College. Sex Kitten has studied under her mentor Rik Stirling. She has filmed documentaries,short independent movies,adult entertainment, commercials, and music videos for local Midwest musicians. Sex Kitten has produced 6 albums and 6 music videos and co-produced a mini-series for PBS plus a voice-over for the cartoon X-Men. She has been writing for over 10 years of experience and currently working on several novels. A few novels is on Romance Paranormal Series, Erotic Fantasies Series and the other is a biography on a Real Sociopath. She has 2nd degree in law. She currently has 4 children and 3 dogs, Cairo, Layla & Speedy. Sex Kitten is interested in promoting awareness to teenagers the importance of teen pregnancy, sexual abuse on minors and domestic violence. These topics she holds dear to her heart. She is currently raising her teens and she loves it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Holiday Romance

I hardly ever criticize the way people celebrate Holidays, since I am a hater for the Holidays, thanks to people like you. I thought this year I will speak about Holiday Romance, with or without?

I could care less, but I would be honestly lying. It starts with Halloween, the holiday of pretending in costumes and going to masquerade parties and off to the eating with the family that we all secretly hate holiday; Thanksgiving. Then Christmas where we are all hypocrites giving gifts to people we really dislike and know for a fact they don't deserve it not even 2%.

In all reality, I am just like you at the end of the day, but wouldn't it be fun, at least spend it with one person that you do love or at least like? That's what I am trying to get at in this blog posting today. Did you know that around the holidays 14% of guys date girls in the winter to have someone spend the holidays with says a poll for men on Cosmopolitan?

Hmm, then I suggest we all go out and find someone we want to really hang out with for the holidays and make your own traditions. Why not? I don't want to get stuck with boring and argumentive family members or people I really dislike. I rather be happy and share my happiness as a gift for the New Year and Christmas.... What do you think?


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