About Me

My photo
Sex Kitten is the CEO of Sinister Media Corp, which she runs 4 smaller companies. She is considered a jack-of-all-traders and a very headstrong woman, who pushes the envelopes in both the film and music industry. She received her degree in Audio Recording Specialist and Filming from Hennepin Technical College. Sex Kitten has studied under her mentor Rik Stirling. She has filmed documentaries,short independent movies,adult entertainment, commercials, and music videos for local Midwest musicians. Sex Kitten has produced 6 albums and 6 music videos and co-produced a mini-series for PBS plus a voice-over for the cartoon X-Men. She has been writing for over 10 years of experience and currently working on several novels. A few novels is on Romance Paranormal Series, Erotic Fantasies Series and the other is a biography on a Real Sociopath. She has 2nd degree in law. She currently has 4 children and 3 dogs, Cairo, Layla & Speedy. Sex Kitten is interested in promoting awareness to teenagers the importance of teen pregnancy, sexual abuse on minors and domestic violence. These topics she holds dear to her heart. She is currently raising her teens and she loves it.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Where’s the Promise you made the Hispanics?

Yahoo News!

   As part Puerto Rican and part Arab-American, I get really upset with the injustice done to Hispanic Immigrants and the President’s faulty promises. He has failed to keep any of his promises to the Hispanic community or address them promptly or take action of the agenda last summer. The latest news on that is will they approve the Bill for making illegal immigrants that have children in United States should not get Citizenship at all. They are thinking of starting to enforce INS rules, so besides jails/prisons; they are thinking of adding hospitals and other government agencies to use to send back immigrants. I think they should start with the So-Malians and Hmong's because they also contribute to the growing immigration problems. Why is it that Hispanics have to suffer or sacrifice their ways and family to suit your needs economically and so on?


Now, what do you think about that?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Past Lives Not Included…

         If anyone actually knows me, knows that I use to be a professional dancer and I do mean an actual straight pro back in Florida in my days. A lot of people don’t believe me but I have my license still. I basically lost all of my footage in the storage I recently lost. I remember taking the kids to my audiences and having some dancers watch them for me. My daughter would peek to watch me go for my audiences and later copy my moves at home alone when she thought no one was watching her.

         I don’t like being called a liar neither. I just wanted to clear the air for people. I know that I don’t have to prove to no one but  it was imperative to me, I thought. I take pride in my work and creative endeavors that I partake no matter how wrong or long the path I took to get there.


       I am proud of my accomplishments and the way I drum to my own beat. I have always been like that when I was younger and that will always be a part of me and no one can take that away from me. A rebel through and through.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All That Bull….

You know that I try very hard to keep my composure with my family but sometimes I may need to do something not so me act. I try to be nice but I don’t like to be mean but if I have to I will. As you all well know lately my life has been changing drastically and I can only take so much. I love my privacy and freedom. I rarely share that space with anyone but I feel like I am totally overcrowd with everyone on me all the time and expecting me to do everything. I still don’t know if I am ready to be a wife but I sure will try again for the 4th time now. I think its that I am not use to the life that I am currently living and I know that every girl’s dream is to live like this right now. A fairy tale in the making. I can’t remember when the last time I actually laughed and played and loved. Phoenix is the perfect prince (man) with some flaws that brings you back into reality. Laughing out loud



Thursday, December 16, 2010

The New Android Optimus S

Just testing this new application from my new phone. Kinda neat. I like the way it looks but I would change a few things on here.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Friday, November 26, 2010

When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned….

I haven’t written well over a month now. I have been busy with moving, going to Puerto Rico and dealing with my sickness while pregnant. Shit, where do I start? Let see…

1. Well Phoenix decided that we needed a bigger place since Joshua was living with us at one point but my mom decided to come move in with us also. I still haven’t decided if that is a mistake or a good thing just quiet yet.

2. I went to Puerto Rico last week just to go get my mom and that was a total nightmare. Flying into PR was great and actually early but flying out was a whole different bullshit. First, we got to the airport way too early and than the flight was cancelled at the last minute and had to wait to fly out later that night. So we was stuck at the San Juan International all day. Then to get to Atlanta and be stuck there for 2 days. Minnesota decided to have an unexpected snowstorm on my behalf. I at least got to meet an interesting older guy who was a retired air-force military. Nice guy. My mom was a pain in the ass too so that didn’t help my trip neither.

3. Now for me being diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia is a pain in the ass too, while pregnant. I was at one point needing blood transfusion but I decided to go back to PR for two reasons a) Get my mom and b) get some R & R and get healthy too. That helped a lot as far as the nutrients I got from the food of my people and the fresh air from the mountains.

4. I have been thinking about Superman and not in a I want to be with him but a “Is he okay?” Believe it or not his more stronger than me, but I still worry a little. His been looking for me but I have been MIA for a few months now. Even my friends don’t know where I am. I like it that way. Sometimes, it gets lonely even if you have a family.


What A Crazy Weekend?

I know that when you are a teen you have so much energy and nothing to do. So here goes the story, my kids friend decided to go joyriding without a license and got pulled over for having only one headlight. Dumb! Dumb! So he ended up getting the truck towed and his mom missing work. Now if my kids did that I would punish them till they couldn’t take it anymore. That was a stupid, crazy and funny weekend!!

XO “Muah” XO

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Changes and more changes….

I usually don’t run from changes because there is nowhere to hide, but I feel like a change is coming and I have no control at all. I am having a hard time adjusting to my new life like I said before. I may have to just release these feelings and ride the wave; with a baby coming, teens acting up (actually 1 only), moving in with the baby’s dad, finishing up school and looking for a much better job to help aroed-hardy-love-kills-artwork-audigierund here, I seem to be losing myself somehow. I am truly overwhelmed with emotions. Doctor says its normal to feel irritated and moody but I can’t help think I’m moving way too fast and can’t find the break. Need to shut my eyes because I will still feel dizzy from the movement. Naturally, I am worried if I do it alone but I know I am not one bit. I am struggling to share my fears and feelings with Phoenix that I am pushing him away for no reason of his own. His giving me space but I need his love and understanding with some support but I can’t even communicate that with him. I am strong on the surface but not all the way through I need him more than ever but I don’t want to tell him. He tries to communicate with me but I am holding back and don’t know why. Maybe I am scared of being hurt again or losing him. I am trying to forget all the hurt I am hiding too well but can’t seem to let go. What could I possibly be so scared of? I don’t know maybe its just me and my insecurities. I will update you more later. I have to head to bed. I’m too tired now with the baby growing. I am 5 weeks and I pray to God that I am able to carry full term.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Love and Marriage: 6 Qualities Your Future Husband MUST Have From Glamour Magazine

Written by Meredith Bodgas

No matter what your guy’s personality is, there are certain characteristics he has to have if you’re destined for love and marriage. Check this checklist before you head to the altar.


Hubby Quality: He’s Honest Open-mouthed smile
Even if he’s a car salesman (aka professional liar) by day, he has to speak the truth (the whole truth and nothing but the truth) with you. Sure, there are certain occasions that warrant white lies, like if he’s trying to surprise you with an engagement ring or protect your feelings (“No, I didn’t notice that zit”). At all other times, though, he has to be straight with you--and not keep secrets from you.

Hubby Quality: He’s Got Your Back Red heart
My relationship may not have made it to a wedding day if Paul didn’t stand up for me when his family gave me a hard time during our engagement. Yes, Paul calls me out on it when he thinks I’m doing something wrong, but he always hears me out, supports my (carefully thought-out) decisions, and sides with me when sides have to be taken. It’s a good feeling--and a key ingredient to a successful marriage.

Hubby Quality: He’s Fun Just kidding
Whether your idea of a good time is parking yourself on the couch to watch reality TV or parking the car by a cliff to bungee jump, your future husband’s gotta bring it. This is the man you’re spending the rest of your life with; if you don’t enjoy being with him now while you’re young, how high-quality will your quality time be thirty years from now? Not every second will be bliss, unfortunately, but most moments with your man should make you happy.

Hubby Quality: He’s Willing to Work Thumbs up
Maybe you want to be the breadwinner. As they said in the 90s, “You go girl!” But in unsteady economies (like, uh, this one), you both have to be up for earning. A lazy-bones for a hubby can mean bad things for your checking account and the children you may decide to have.

Hubby Quality: He Uses His Words Red lips
Some guys have an easier time sharing their feelings than others. Regardless of where your man falls on the expressive spectrum, he better speak his messages--and not hit, kick, or punch them. I know you know this already, but I’ll remind you anyway: Violence has no place in love and marriage.

Hubby Quality: He Loves You Unconditionally Star
It’s cool if your guy was initially attracted to your pretty face or beautiful bod. But he has to love much more than that if he’s the man you marry. Looks fade over time--or can change in an instant. A shallow guy doesn’t make much of a husband.


What other qualities do you think a husband must have in order for love and marriage to work? Could you live without any of the above? How many of these qualities does your guy have?

Unexpected Life and Relationship

I know that I said that I was going to stay away from guys but I walked smack right into Phoenix again. We moved in together and planning on starting a family and everything, too. My kids like him and even Cairo loves him too. My dog is protective of me but he lets him near me. Funny, I think.


I had to change a lot of things like my lifestyle and friends but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss them or will completely stop talking to them. I am trying to get use to this new life which is so much better than before or Superman can ever give me and the kids.  It may be mean to say that because he tattooed my name on his arm really big. I do feel bad about that but I can’t really do nothing about that at all. It may be that this commitment came out of nowhere again. I just need to find the way I feel to keep me satisfy. There’s no complication, there’s no explanations, it’s just a groove in me. I just have to get use to this lifestyle all over again. Living with a guy is very different but I need to adjust to him and kind of miss my freedom a little. Will see how things go. Phoenix and I have been dating for over 5 months now. Part of that wasn’t even exclusive huh? Weird! More to come…

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Purest Love

Sometimes, I wonder if you can find the purest love. What is actually pure love? “Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return.” Some people mistake this for unconditional love. Both are very differently. Unconditional love is a term that means to love someone regardless of the loved one's qualities or actions. I have experience unconditional love but just recently felt pure love. It has me really confused and giddy. I want to drown in his love and can’t think of anyone but him now. I am so scared to lose it or never get to feel it again.

How can I just make him see ME?



Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fade Into You or Something Like You…

Lately, it has been too much changes, too much of my freedom being taken slowly but surely. Don’t get me wrong I love being in a relationship but I don’t want it to be rushing too fast. I am not in any sense want to be with Superman or anyone else for that matter. Phoenix is cool and great but I think at first he was not trying  to attach himself to me but now things have changed and I don’t like it. By changes I mean call me more often, actually coming around more too, and making future plans with me. I like it in some way but at the same time it makes me run and hide.  I am not sure what brought this all on. I usually feel like I have to walk on eggshells when I am around him for some reason. I feel like it shouldn’t even be like that with anyone. I need some space from the world and my decisions.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Girlfriends And Associates….

I know that I have been writing about guys but I won’t let my girl-friends feel bad since they too read my blog and some are pretty upset that I have not or never mentioned them. Geez, I got the hint girls. Ok, where should I start than? Well, there’s Kat, Jada, Natalia, Sandra, Jackie, Liza and Deena; of course, I changed their names but they know who they are. I love them dearly no matter how things get, its always a win-win situation with them.


Jada- I can write a book about her. I known her for over 6 years or so. Jada is a Label Whore and into fashion. We use to do everything together until one day Superman showed up and she got into a jealousy rage. Apparently, he use to date her older sister a very long time ago. I do mean way before I met any of them. It was by chance I met Superman not though anyone else. She was getting upset that he was treating me very differently and I guess he use to treat her sister really bad. He pulled out the horses with coach for me. I have always hanged out with her no matter if anyone else liked her, which a lot of guys didn’t but they would be quick to have sex with her. I don’t know but her sister one day started talking shit through text messaging and we all stopped talking but payback is a bitch and one day she will know what I mean. Right, sweetie!!!

Kat- All the lovely Kat known her for over 8 years now. She’s married and has a wonderful son. We stopped talking because of my son’s father Mr. Egotistic. So there is really not much to say about except I thought she was my friend not Mr. Egotistic friend. She doesn’t even call me but she does Hector more than me. Yes, I am very bitter about it. I loved being with her but those days are through more or less.

Natalia- I at least see her every other day or week. She understands me a lot better than most of other girls I guess. We like the same things and its fun talking to her. I love her for that and very thankful.

Sandra- A wonderful friend and very sweet and funny. I like her jokes and her sincerity of life. She is a very optimistic person and a problem solver. She has been there for Superman and me, along with her family; which her son is Superman’s best friends. If you get that, ha ha ha.

Liza & Jackie & Raymond- This is a friendship of eternity, loyal and passionate one. We all have been friends since I was 18 years-old. We were inseparable until Mr. Egotistic again came between us for a short period of time. You see Mr. Egotistic could never stand the fact that I had friends and I was always with them. His ugly jealousy always showed and reared its ugly head all the time when we were together. We did everything together and always got into trouble together and got out of trouble together. If they would let us, we would of ruled the world together. That’s how are relationship was. Jackie lives in Puerto Rico with her kids, Liza and Raymond still live in Florida and for me, I am in Minnesota.

Deena- I love it when she comes around. We click like locks. I have nothing bad to say about her.

So here are my comments and thoughts of everyone.


Bad Romance For Real!!!

I seem to always attract guys that only want to have sex all the time with me. BORING!!! Don’t let my name Sex Kitten fool you. It has nothing to do with sex. Now a days, it seems that I only get to see four walls with guys and that has to end now. They don’t take me out or nothing. I am personally will stop dating for a very long time (wait can you even call that dating if only you see the four walls???), besides Superman comes home in 7 months. I still haven’t decided what I am going to do about that.

This is it, I am staying clear of men for a bit. Why lie about it? I am not feeling any of them. I am not even close to attraction or love any of them. Superman was the only one who awakened something in me. I truly gave up on love and romance. I was so bitter and cynical, when I met Superman but we talked for months before we actually started going out for a date or before I met his family. I don’t think even Lex was truly able to break through my walls or anything else.


Just When You Thought You Would Never….

What a title, huh? Today has been a pretty much beautiful day. My daughter’s birthday and a couple of my friends, too. I had to go to court for child support today with baby daddy number 3, Mr. Egotistic is his name. Yeah, you know the one who thinks his so important that he takes hours to primp himself before walking out the door. Anyway, it went pretty well. I got what I wanted and so did he. Deena actually came with me just because I don’t trust Mr. Egotistic so much. I didn’t know what to expect or think. So, I had her tag along with me. Just in case there was a lot of tension; which there wasn’t “Thank, God!”

I haven’t seen Tammy in over 2 years and I ran into her today of all days with her Baby Daddy, which I totally forgot his name. Awkward, huh? Well, I may have on purposely forgotten his name. I totally can’t remember it for the life of me. He was always trying to hook up with me and I don’t personally go out with my girl-friends exes. I think that is really disrespectful totally. He was watching me and teasing me because I was wearing pink to court and stuff. He actually said if I was a little too old to wear pink. Ok, I was insulated and I told him that Pink is for anyone young at heart. Oh, wait you must be really old than? Besides, its the summer color for fashion, WOW!

I was a smart-ass of course. I had too be since I was not about to let him bring me down on my daughter’s birthday. He started asking me where I lived and things like that. I was being really skeptical of his questions and I gave him very vague answers.

**NOTE** So, I am very glad that I never received that call at all as of yet….


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just Got My Heart Ripped Out!

I got a horrifying call today from Phoenix, after weeks of talking myself out of ever seeing him again I fell back into his trap of illusions. I know much better than believe a guy and his lies. He asked me a multiple times if I was pregnant. Makes me think that the condom broke off or something. I am truly freaking out here. Ok, I am just driving  myself crazy, I think. I better get check totally. It’s way too late for Plan B or anything else plus I don’t do abortions I don’t believe in them entirely only under dire situations.

Can you believe he actually wanted to get married and stay with me and then all of a sudden he called and said he has to leave to go back to his country. Wow! I am actually in shock but not mad, maybe hurt a little. I have too many mix emotions running wild within me. Now, I have to put my life on hold to see if I am pregnant before carrying on with my life without the daddy again.

I sometimes wonder how I get myself into all this mess. I will carry on and go forward into the future as I have always done alone. I have no girlfriends around to help pick up the pieces or get me a tub of ice cream or let me cry. Just Cairo and me! I guess writing on my blog and a song soon will get me back on track soon enough.

It’s kind of funny that I haven’t shed one tear yet. Huh?


Something To Do Suggested By A Readers

I get tons of emails a day asking me questions and I figure I will add a FAQ on my blog, but the questions will be ask by the Readers, instead. I thought it would be more fun and you would actually enjoy it. Here goes:


1. When will your novels come out to the public and what are you working on now? – Raymond B.

The novels I am currently working on will be coming out 2011-2012, which are the following:

The Forbidden Dreams-Book One (Adult Fantasy)

New Beginnings-Book One (Vampire Series)

Diary of a Lycanthropic: Book One-Pure Bred (Werewolf Series)

True Life of a Sociopath

     Currently working on the next books in the series and an autobiography of my life is in the works.

2. What are you favorite books and movies?-Gregory H.

Well, my favorite books are by a few authors and there books are a lot but here goes:

a. Christine Feehan: Dark Series

b. L.J. Smith: The Vampire Diaries & The Secret Circle

c. Charlaine Harris: Sookie Stackhouse Series

3. What movies or TV shows do you watch? -Samantha P.

I watch all kinds of movies but I am a total sucker for drama, romance and chick flicks. Now, TV shows I have way too many to mention but the ones I am currently addicted to are True Blood, The Vampire Diaries, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Leverage, Bones, Supernatural, Smallville, etc….

4. Are you planning on recording a new underground record and under who’s name will it be? -Alex T.

I will be recording and producing a new underground album starting in the Summer of 2011 in New Jersey. As far as who’s name; it will always be under Ruthless. I have been writing songs and now looking for an artist to record the demo this Spring 2011.

5. When will your two movies be coming out? -Liz J.

Summer Burns comes out next Summer 2011, we are just finishing up post-production and New Beginnings is still in the screenplay stage but my partners and I haven’t decided how we will record this movie whether in web series or a feature film. It’s still in talks right now.

6. What made you get into the entertainment business and law? –Omar S.

It has always been a dream of mines to be a lawyer since I was 8 years old but I also wanted to become a singer, so I became the next best thing a Record Producer and from there the love of movies continue to grow from when I made my very first music video and animation series for an audio recording class I was taking in college. Now, I want to do both Entertain and Law by becoming a Judge.

7. Your blog is different kind of reading, why have you choose to write about your personal life and everything else? –Liana K.

 I thought that everyone else rights about fashions or celebrities but I wanted to make it a mixer of everything I love and the readers love to read about. I like using my blog to vent out too and get feedback from readers about ideas or if they were in the same situation they give me advice.

8. Will you be continuing blogging about Liberty and her friends? -Trina D.

    I have kept in contact with Liberty and the gang. We are going to continue to  tell her story, so I decided to continue it coming this Winter 2010. Stay tune…

9. Do you have any favorite fashion magazine you read? –Jessie Y.

   My favorite magazines are Cosmopolitan, Vogue and Elle. I read just about anything I can get my hands on. I love fashion and if I was a rich girl I would buy every dress from Vivienne Wang to Calvin Klein to Oscar de la Renta to Torrid. I am so versed in designer labels that I could probably tell you in the dark. 

10. How did you get into writing on blogs and novels? Carrie K.

I was one day thinking of a new trend to try and seen I like writing so much I decided to try the blog thing. I have been writing in my blog since 2007 and I really am starting to enjoy writing about whatever I love and about life.


There will be more questions to answer and I will keep you posted on all the new questions from my readers. Love you very much!


When Is It Ever Enough???

I know that I am feeling stuck right now in my life and can’t decide what I really want. That is very unbelievable to me because usually I know right away what I want. This isn’t normal for me to be so frustrated and stuck and you can believe me when I say its not about the sex….

I know I fucked up somewhere and I seem to be climbing my way out of this hole. Seriously can it get any bigger, too. I have been stuck in a nightmare that plays over and over again. I just for once want to jump over the fence and feel the sun all over my skin again. I miss those happy days with my kids, my dog; Cairo and my man Superman. Yes, him! He has always brought a smile to my face even when we were arguing because we need to laugh on how stupid we were arguing.

Besides that; losing your belongings and home can be a real drag. I have decided to start all over in my life and people can’t see why. I am a strong believer of what doesn’t work the first time, move on and find your place in life especially now that my kids are getting older. I have so much things to think about before they all leave to college or with there own family one day. I do sit and wonder how its going to be. I have dreaded this day when they will all be gone and me, left alone once again. It’s funny because I haven’t been alone since I was 13 years old. That isn’t very long in ones life that you think about your days of being alone. If I think about it; my conclusion is that we grew up together, the children and I. I am really happy that they will be doing there own things but I have Cairo and just maybe Superman around or at this point Phoenix. His been talking to me more and coming around here. I am moving again to a much bigger place than where I am currently living at now.

I am heading to Puerto Rico and New Jersey in October 2010. I am so excited to see Black and my family plus visiting King in Virginia this Spring of 2011. We are going to look for the filming location of Vampire Diaries and True Blood. Yeah!!! I am so excited to hangout with King. I have a full year ahead of me and the kids. Can’t wait at all….

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What Men Really Want In Modern Relationships


Top Dating Tips

Tips on what's really on men's minds when it comes to love and sex

Women often say that men confuse them and that they are unsure what a man is really looking for. They have tried to please them in the past and it hasn't worked so no, the man can concentrate on pleasing them or leave. If the media is to be believed, many women don't care what a man is looking for anymore because they have been empowered by their own sexuality and are comfortable in their new role as sexually liberated career woman in charge of their own destiny. In which case, as long as the man wants them, that is fine.

It doesn't matter whether that view is actually true or not. What is true is that the modern man is increasingly struggling to find his place in the world. The Armed Forces and Space programs quite rightly have very highly qualified career women working in their departments and in most aspects of industry, women excel. The old male bastions are crumbling and with them their innate self respect as well as their understanding of how they should act and what they desire.

Any woman reading this may say well it's a problem for men and they should deal with it. Absolutely, but you cannot expect miracles instantly. Generations of history dictating a man's role and function cannot be decided and altered in the space of 20 years without some fallout. Few can argue against the excitement felt by women as their empowerment continues but at the same time, one must expect issues to coincide with this. And one of those as I said is the question of understanding what the modern man is looking for.

Men have started to evolve and are starting to grasp the fact that their role may not be as it once was. "Starting" is the operative word because this does not mean that there aren't large swathes of the world where men insist on being the breadwinner and women should still remain at home rearing children. It is going to take a long time to change the world. However in our western cities a change is in full swing. Men know that to find a mate they are going to have to work harder than ever before and they are aware that women call the shots far more than ever before. But this doesn't essentially change what a man is looking for.

Okay so what is a man seeking?

  • First of all a man is seeking a love-interest. This may surprise many women but men like to love and they like being loved in return. The problem is that many women come across as impassioned and cold. It is not easy to find a loving woman and it is very noticeable how many men try and hang on when they think they have found their Miss Right.
  • Men are seeking a woman who is attractive to them. Women may despair that men can be so shallow and that looks could matter so much but be careful. Men aren't necessarily looking for a catwalk model and many men don't like women who weigh 80lbs. But men do want a woman who takes pride in their appearance (though not excessively). Men are proud of having a girlfriend who looks good and I don't believe any man who says otherwise.
  • Men are looking for a trustworthy girl, someone they can have faith in and someone who will be there for them. This may sound like an odd thing to say, but the fact is, some women are not trustworthy and many are not faithful either. So many in fact that men are increasingly wary. That kiss at a  Christmas party may not count, or the flirtatious behavior with the gorgeous barman and in fact its all great fun and part of a woman's character. But reverse the situation and as a woman, you hate him doing the same. A man can never forgive a woman being unfaithful and so he is looking for someone who he really does trust.
  • Men want to make a home eventually and are looking for a woman who will be a willing sharer in home life. Women with a sociable lifestyle are attractive because they can be relied upon to keep the social diary running in a long term relationship.
  • Men are seeking women who are feminine gentle and kind because deep down the qualities that make a woman a great mother are an attraction in themselves. I am not suggesting that the man himself needs mothering, though some do, it is more the point that men seek the attributes in women that point to someone who would make a great mother to future offspring.
  • Men want women with a great sense of humor. Women often come across as uptight or too bothered by too many small details. You will sometimes hear mention of a girl who is 'one of the boys'. What this means is that she is able to fit in with their humor and is sociable and fun to be with. Such women are extremely attractive to many men. Men want to have a good time and relax when not working and so their ideal partners are women who are able to do the same.
  • Men are looking for women who retain their femininity and and are caring and kind. In recent years, aping men may be a female fashion statement, but it doesn't make them attractive. Whilst every woman in the world burps and farts and has the right to drink pints of beer, it doesn't necessarily attract them to the opposite sex. Women can get angry and say well men will just have to get used to it, but the issue is that they don't. They can just choose not to go for women who act in the same way as their drinking buddies.
  • Men want someone who is supportive. Many women are quick to criticize men in their behavior, career and set about trying to alter them and mould them. This is a crucial mistake. Men can be manipulated yes, but they see their partnerships as support systems. The best relationships work both ways in terms of support. Where a woman is not able or willing to give that support and is too quick to criticize then she may lose her man.
  • Men don't like angry women who shout. They want a woman who can debate and converse and is able to discuss. Communication is king. A fiery passionate temperament may have made you interesting and challenging on day one. But by day 500 it holds no glory whatsoever.
  • Men love a challenging woman, someone who keeps them on their toes. Men are generally lazy in relationships once they feel they're in secure territory. When a man is challenged so he does something about it. If you want to keep your man interested, keep him challenged.
  • Men are generally more reserved about sex than women. This is my experience is a fact. Men know what they like in bed and tend to stick to it. The adventurous sexual appetite in most men isn't there even if they are convinced it is. Men in reality are quite conservative. Sexually adventurous has nothing to do with having lots of partners and more to do with the things they will try with the same partner. In most test cases I have conducted, it is the man who looks for a quiet time in the bedroom and the woman who ultimately becomes bored.
  • Men want a woman who will commit to them. Though increasingly this is hard to find, it doesn't take away the wish. Men want a girlfriend who they can share with and trust and be open with. Commitment is not a one way street and therefore men are struggling to find the levels of commitment they found previously. But the need is still there.
  • Men don't want to be alone.

This column can easily fire a great debate. The fact is, a modern man is seeking a reliable, sexy, single girl with whom he can have a long term relationship with. He wants to have fun, share his life and ultimately settle down. There are a few long term bachelors but not that many. The problem guys have is that the world has changed. They don't necessarily want to have children and settle down straight away, but it will come. They do seek self-respect even if they are not the primary breadwinner and they seek respect from their partner.

While women become increasingly strong in their new roles in society, it is worth remembering that it takes, and always will take, two to tango.

NOTE:    I found this article interesting and wish to share it and wanted to know how you guys really feel about this article. Feel free to email me, comment me, etc.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Five Year Plan??? If I Really Have One!!!

I like every other women in the world has thought about that wonderful five year plan, but I am not like normal women. I actually think like a guy……

I know, I know you probably is tripping about that little remark, but its perfectly true and if you ever met my true friends (well actually the ones that really knows me that is) they would tell you too. I drive like a man, I dismiss guys/girls like a man, I even enjoy toys and gadgets like men but that I even think like a guy. If that is even possible…

I am perfectly okay with my feminine  side and trust me I love fashion and shopping like the next girl but when it comes down to it; I sometimes can kick ass like the best of them. Maybe its because I have brothers and I grew up with them and their friends. I have a gift of looking at a guy and can actually tell you a lot about him too. I guess my brothers actually instilled that gift, lmao!

Ok, not to jump into another subject but I have a lot of guy friends, probably because I don’t get alone with woman. They find me a bit intimidating or something. Like I would still there boyfriends and you know what… I probably would because no matter how high my standard morals are they always find away to flirt with me and touch me gently to let me know they like me but I NEVER, EVER go out with my girlfriend’s boyfriends. It totally complicates things.

Now, my cousin has been bugging me about this little secret I have… Oh, wait you want to know too? I guess I will share but its really not a secret. Men are lonely or want excitement as the next woman does. Trust me, Men and Women are really not that different as everyone wants to believe. I have a regular male friend, which I consider my Sugar Daddy. Again, perfect gentleman and very respectful. Never slept with him but he always seek out my companionship such as hanging out and talking. I have known him for 11 years that's why I call him my regular. We speak on the phone and everything. If I want to be honest, I personally never made it as a good girlfriend, but with him I am the perfect girlfriend when I hangout with him and do things with my kids. No expectations, no lies, no complications, no nothing just a one night deal. What could a girl like me ask for?

Now, back to my five year plan:

1. I want to have my own apartment or townhouse in New York/New Jersey (not to big and not to small, just perfect).


2. I don’t want anymore kids… I have 4 already!

3. I always have guys buying me jewelry, and stuff; so I would want a big closet just for my shoes, clothes and jewelry. (One day someone will walk up to me and be like “Oh, nice necklace” and I will say “This? Oh, a perfect gentleman gave it to me!” **Smiles**

4. To finish my house in Puerto Rico. Its half completed but it needs a bit more.


5. I would probably be married in New York/New Jersey with a rich man but have a boyfriend in Puerto Rico or even back in Minnesota. (Now you see where my friends think I totally think and act like a guy?) They even call me Samantha Jones from Sex in the City. Now, that's a bit much if you ask me but I can totally see it sometimes. Please it shouldn’t even be a shocker! I get bored with men unless I find that perfect someone, which now a days is near impossible to me. They lack in something and brings a sense of flaw to the guy. Yuck!

6. My own ride-2012 Ford Mustang Boss with my favorite color. I will let you guess on that color….

2012 Ford Mustang Boss

You see simple and realistic… I love it already. My five year plan!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Video of the Day 9/4/2010

This is my youngest son, Josh!

Tara Thorton & Franklin Mott From True Blood Season 3

I just wanted to share with you one of my favorite episodes of Season 3… I hope you enjoy it as well as I did….Let me know what you think!

Really? Haven’t You Been Reading This….

Yesterday, I was with the kids as normal since we haven’t start school on this side of United States. I received calls all day but just ignore some and I was okay with that. I didn’t feel one bit distraught or guilty of not answering phone calls. I just wish people would stop actually asking me whether I miss them or want to have sex. Ok, I am usually game for new adventure but no one is really catching my attention because I feel like that's all guys want from me. So I have to admit that “Estoy Enamorada” translation “I am in love”, so I believe because I really don't find other guys even interesting or appeal to any of my senses at all. I have been think about him 24 hours a day even when you are getting on my nervous. So, I don’t really know what to do now. I had to come to that realization somehow on my own. What I want is this:


Estoy Enamorado/I’m In Love                                                             By Wisin & Yandel

Una nueva mañana Me levante pensando en todas las cosas lindas que hemos hecho (W con Yandel)
A new morning I wake up thinking of you and all the beautiful things we did together (W with Yandel),
Pensando en tu olor, en tu piel
Para mí lo eres todo
I think of your smell, your skin
and to me you are everything,
Quisiera estar siempre a tu lado (Aja)
Huir de todo mal (Sentir tu magia)
I want to always be by your side
chasing away everything evil ( to feel your magic)
De tu cuerpo un esclavo
Y creo que te he demostrado que
I am a slave to your body
and I believe I have demonstrated that I am
Estoy Enamorado (Oooh, Oooh) (Simplemente)
Te lo quiero confesar (Te Lo Quería Decir)
In love (Simply)
I want to confess to you
Totalmente ilusionado (Oooh, Oooh)
Me la paso pensándote nunca voy a soltarte (Rumba)
that I am totally delusional
I think about how I will never let you go (Rumba)
Estoy Enamorado (Oooh, Oooh) (Aja)
Te lo quiero confesar
I am in love
I want to confess to you
Totalmente ilusionado (Oooh, Oooh)
Me la paso pensándote (Todo El Tiempo)
Nunca voy a soltarte (Te Cuento, Escucha W)
that I am totally delusional
I think about how I will never let you go (All in Time)
I will never let you go (I will find you) Listen W
Quería progreso, la calle le di un receso (He!)
Mi voz tenia peso, con un corazón preso (He!)
I wanted to progress, the street gave him a break
My voice had weight with a heart as a prisoner
Ella me libra de todo mal con tan solo un beso (He!)
Ha sido un proceso, pero el amor llego de regreso
Yo sigo a su lado, su amor es sagrado (He, He, He)
She delivered me from all evil with just one kiss
Has been a process, but the love came
I'm back at his side, his love is sacred
Estoy muy claro, del amor el significado
Ella tiene reinado, conmigo a batallado (Aja)
Como dos soldados nos hemos ayudado (Escúchame Bien)
I'm very clear, the meaning of love
She's reign me in, fought with me (Aja)
As two soldiers we have helped one another (Listen Well)
Estoy Enamorado (Oooh, Oooh)
Te lo quiero confesar (Es Que Ya Te Lo Quería Decir)
Totalmente ilusionado (Oooh, Oooh)
Totalmente ilusionado (Oooh, Oooh)
Me la paso pensándote nunca voy a soltarte (Princesa)
I am in love
I want to confess to you (Its that I need to tell you already)
that I am totally delusional
that I am totally delusional
I think about how I will never let you go
I will never let you go (Princess)

Estoy Enamorado (Oooh, Oooh) (Aja)
Te lo quiero confesar
Totalmente ilusionado (Oooh, Oooh)
Me la paso pensándote nunca voy a soltarte (Hey, Doble)

I am in love
I want to confess to you (Its that I need to tell you already)
that I am totally delusional
I think about how I will never let you go
I will never let you go
Ella tiene la sustancia, de la perseverancia (Te)
Tengo amor en abundancia (Tu Lo Sabes)
Princesa tú has cambiado mi arrogancia (He, He, He)
25 problemas 40 circunstancias
Y yo te quiero decir (He!)
[Girl] She has the substance, of perseverance
I have love in abundance (You know)
Princess you've changed my arrogance
25 problems and 40 circumstances
and I want to tell you
Que tu cuerpo quiero consumir sin discutir (Aja)
Ella me empieza a dirigir (Aja)
Me toca yo me empiezo a derretir (Tiene Magia)
Eres la mujer de mi vida lo tengo que admitir (Señores Yandel)
That I want to consume your body without discussing (Aja)
She starts to run (Aja) 
you touch me and I start to melt (You have Magic)
You are the woman of my life I have to admit (Gentlemen Yandel)
Quisiera estar siempre a tu lado
Huir de todo mal (Solo Quiero Que Ella Me De La Oportunidad)
De tu cuerpo un esclavo
Y creo que te he demostrado que (Presta Atención)
I want to be with you always
chasing away everything evil from her (just I want her to give me a chance) 
I am a slave to your body
And I think I have shown that (Pay Attention)
Estoy Enamorado (Oooh, Oooh)
Te lo quiero confesar (W, Yandel)
Totalmente ilusionado (Oooh, Oooh)
Me la paso pensándote nunca voy a soltarte
I am in love
I want to confess to you (Its that I need to tell you already)
that I am totally delusional
I think about how I will never let you go
I will never let you go
Estoy Enamorado (Oooh, Oooh)
Te lo quiero confesar (W, Yandel)
Totalmente ilusionado (Oooh, Oooh)
Me la paso pensándote nunca voy a soltarte
I am in love
I want to confess to you (Its that I need to tell you already)
that I am totally delusional
I think about how I will never let you go
I will never let you go
(Ja, Ja)
Evidentemente tienes magia
Tiene la llave de mi corazón en tus manos
Quienes son W, Yandel
Víctor “El Nazi”, Nesty
El Profesor Gomez
WY Records
Obviously you have the magic
you have the key to my heart in your hands
Who are they W, Yandel,
Victor "El Nazi"
El Professor Gomez
WY Records
Señora, te lo tengo que decir
Escucha bien
Miss I must tell you
Listen carefully
Quisiera estar siempre a tu lado
Huir de todo mal
De tu cuerpo un esclavo
Y creo que te he demostrado que
I want to be with you always
chasing away everything evil from her
I am a slave to your body
And I think I have shown that

Estoy Enamorado (Oooh, Oooh)
Te lo quiero confesar
Totalmente ilusionado (Oooh, Oooh)
Me la paso pensándote nunca voy a soltarte

I am in love
I want to confess to you (Its that I need to tell you already)
that I am totally delusional
I think about how I will never let you go
I will never let you go

This song was dedicated to me by Black. I have translated it for those of you who are Spanish illiterate. Don’t feel bad sometimes I feel like that myself. The song is on the player below, too….


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Girls Listen Up-7 Type of Guys To Not Date…

LoveAndRelationships 1. The Rebound Guys- They are always comparing you with his ex-girlfriend and with a new girl they don’t have to deal with their emotions. So wait till they are totally done recuperating. Guy-RichieExample will be Guy Ritchie!!

2. The Disappearing Guys-Please ladies be really smart about this and don’t fall for this at all, here it goes: excuses like “works really busy” may be true, but often something else going on. The give away is erratic contact-in touch everyday then suddenly MIA…or all of a sudden wants to meet up in an hour after not calling all week…. BEWARE!!!disappear

3. Slick Guys- Hiding behind high-tech gadgets, fancy clothes looking like a GQ model,now you know something is wrong with him, so don’t over look the guys that are not well put together at least you know they are “Real”….ed-westwick-2-300x400

4. The Rude Guys-Basically, if a guy lets the door slam shut instead of opening it for you, make that all the closure you need, he plays with his Blackberry or any phone during dinner, or asking another chick for her number while your in the bathroom, is a no-no!!!!rude-people

5. The Grabby Guys- You know the guy who can’t keep his hands off you. No matter how smoking hot you are, he can help himself to wait and if your not getting any respect you want early on, he probably won’t surprise you later neither.000_0031

6. The Last Year Guys-Going back to an ex may seem like a safe thing to do because you are thinking about those long night alone and having a fear of being by yourself. Recycling your romance is a bad thing because you will end up breaking up again for the same reason why you broke up the first time. Waste of time! Just move on! Trust me, its better to meet someone new than go through the emotional roller coaster ride all over again on repeat….destructive-relationships

7. The Stalker Type Guys-The ones that are constantly stalking you something very obsessed or psycho kind.You ladies know what I am talking about. So please try your best to be safe and stay away from them….42-17205938

Friday, August 20, 2010

Curiosity Killed The Cat, I Think!

I was sitting outside today and was pondering the way relationships work and how people actually meet. God knows I am no expert but I know want I like and dislike as far as what I want in a relationship. As I said before I am not looking for Mr. Right or anything close to that. Maybe I sometimes feel like being alone. I actually like being in my own company. Some people find that weird but for me it is so natural that I think its actually normal somehow. Sex is not to be taken lightly or depreciated by anyone. For me I have to have a partner that appreciates me in a sense that we take our time having sex and rush sometimes. I don’t mean it has to be always romantic or nothing like that. I do love romance let me tell you. I am a sucker for the romance and surprises. Literally!  But the passion has to be there to even fuel the fire and spark an ignition of some sort. Even opposites attract have some connection. But how and why; is what I want to know and how do you know if that is the person you are meant for because a lot of mistake lust or love so many times it isn't even funny. I would like people’s input and this would be a great topic to talk about too. So hit me up on email or here leave a comment….


Thursday, August 19, 2010

From Dead To Worse

If that’s even possible…I know I am not dead or else I wouldn’t be writing this right now but I could be. Life again has taken an unexpected turn in my future. When things don’t go right I get stressed out and some would say stop worrying it will work out some how. Well, that’s not a good enough answer to me. No matter how many tears you shred you can’t possible know how I feel about everything that is going on in my life. I am so frustrated and pissed off. I don’t know if things will ever get better. Sometimes I never believe it will ever get better or near good.  My relationships are deterring away slowly but surely. My best friend don’t talk to me anymore because of Superman. I sometimes don’t want anything with him or any other guy for that matter. You never get another chance so I don’t bother to ask for another. I lost interest in Phoenix so I won’t even want to talk to him anymore. I feel like I am totally secluding myself now from everyone and everything I even like. I miss my father and my brother Dondi. I want to go back home to New Jersey but struck here in Minnesota and this hell hole is killing me so slowly. Everyone is too busy in there own to even notice the pain I am caring with me everyday. That’s all right I like the way it hurts and I am use to it now.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wisin &Yandel-Target Center Concert August 6th-Minneapolis

As people already know I have gone to the Wisin & Yandel concert this month. It was off the hook. I got to meet the guys backstage and hangout with the them the next day. The girls (Desi & Nessa) where in heaven. We got to go on the tour bus, hangout in the back at the Target Center during sound check and went to the after party with them. The next day we went bowling, out to eat and just hangout in the tour bus. I was living it up that weekend.  I look forward to seeing them again in concert and meeting up with them. One weekend well spent…l_99d6a998860d47f7bdc3cd9c140cfd1awisin-y-yandel-11-b


l_c9962aac5f6d44c18c22808abdb8bc48 l_d1d5a3d1b298bad6b508ea4b42922ca9

Cairo Home Finally!!

You couldn’t possible understand how happy and excited to have Cairo back home finally. He was really scared and angry with me for leaving him.


I will never leave my doggie with anyone ever again. He goes everywhere with me for now on. This is my road-dog right here. Next time I go on a trip if he can’t fly in that airplane neither will I . I banned all airlines that don’t allow animals to travel for now on. To get my dog back I had to go through hell funny it may seem now but pure hell to go through. I am just glad his home and its all over now. Love You Cairo!!!!!

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